1st Quarter 2013 Extra Mile Award!

Each quarter, we look for work teams who go beyond the normal call of duty and recognize them at our quarterly management meeting.  Last week, we recognized a group in our Eagan Logistics office for “wrapping themselves around the Customer.” They’ve been so effective this Customer has made Bay and Bay # 1 on many speed dials in their office. You read that correctly, we still have Customers who use the phone!

The number of people honored represents how we embody working as a team to do great things for Customers. The end result for Bay and Bay is an extremely happy customer.

A huge “hats off” to the following Bay and Bay Team members: Paul Raetz, Kimberly Chisholm, Travis Narance, Joel Hadler, Nicholas Kuffel, Alex Howanski, Drew Wegwerth, Holly Faust, Steve Weber, Tracy Velta, Mark Horvath, and Tracy Velta.